Monday, December 30, 2019

The Threat Of Network Security - 925 Words

There are threats to network security that can compromise your computer systems. Viruses are one of the top security threats in the technology industry. A virus is a program or a code that is loaded into your computer system without your knowledge will run against your wishes (Beal, n.d). Viruses can also replicate themselves. All computer viruses are manmade and a virus can make a copy of itself several times and easy to create (Beal, n.d). Mark Vernon wrote that 72% of all companies have received infected e-mails or files last year and for larger companies the percentage was 83% (Vernon, 2004). The top viruses in malignancy are Worms and Trojan Horses (Vernon, 2004). Another threat to network security is malware. Malware (malicious software) is a annoying or harmful type of software that is intended to secretly access a device without a user’s knowledge. There are different types of malware, which include spyware, phishing, viruses, adware, Trojan horses, worms, ransomware, rootkits, and browser hijackers (â€Å"What is Malware and how to remove it | Cyber security,† n.d.). Malware gets access to your device through the internet, email, hacked websites, toolbars, music files, free subscriptions, toolbars and anything downloaded from the web (â€Å"What is Malware and how to remove it | Cyber security,† n.d.). Spam is also another threat to network security. Spam is a unsolicited message that advertises a service or product. Spammers target email accounts but can also be found onShow MoreRelatedSecurity Threats Of Network Security1412 Words   |  6 PagesAs the technology is growing the security threats are also increasing at higher rate. So, as to protect an organization from such network security threats severe actions and several steps have to be taken by network security administrators. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay On Mental Illness In Hamlet - 860 Words

Did you ever notice there are many characters in Hamlet that have mental disorders? Hamlet has a few characters that could possibly be diagnosed with a mental health disorder. At the beginning of the story, Hamlets dad is possibly murdered and Hamlets uncle, Claudius, takes over the king spot. Hamlets fathers ghost arrives in the castle, it causes suspicions with the whole remarrying right after the death. He becomes very confused on how and why his father passed away. Due to the confusion and questions Hamlet wants answered, he could have developed a mental health disorder in the process of trying to figure things out. There are a few mental health disorders that I have found that Hamlet could very possibly be diagnosed with. One is†¦show more content†¦One symptom that Hamlet has is explosive anger. Right off the bat, Hamlet becomes very angry once he finds out that his father had passed away and was replaced by his uncle Claudius. He becomes mad at his mother for remarrying Claudius. Another example of Hamlet having explosive anger is when he talks to the ghost of his father. He decides to make plans to find out who killed his father. The ghost told Hamlet that Claudius poisoned him. The last example of Hamlet being angry is him saying he is going to pretend to go into a madness stage. Throughout the story he is angry but some may not be sure if he is just doing it to get to Claudius. Another symptom of borderline personality disorder that Hamlet shows us is thoughts of mortality. The first time Hamlet shows signs of mortality is in act one. Gertrude and King Claudius ask him to stay put in Denmark. He wanted his flesh to melt away and he disagrees with God that suicide is a sin. The second time Hamlet mentions mortality is when he mentions it in his soliloquy. â€Å"To be or not to be†¦ that is the question†(Act 3 Scene 1 line 64 Shakespeare). Lastly, Hamlet mentions the death of Alexander by saying it is impossible to tell from the rich and the poor after they are in their grave and have turned into dust. Hamlet is saying your existence in life and nothing to do with your existence in death. The last symptom of borderline personality disorder that Hamlet may have is having unstable relationshipsShow MoreRelatedEssay On Mental Illness In Hamlet765 Words   |  4 PagesIn the play, Hamlet, Prince Hamlet endures the tragic loss of his father, the King of Denmark,   and the ultimate betrayal of his uncle, Claudius, who is throned king following his father’s death and marriage to Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude. Hamlet begins to show signs of depression and emotional instability from the beginning. As the play progresses, Hamlet becomes more and more mentally unstable until he begins to border insanity. Hamlet’s mental health is a recurring theme in the play and there areRead MoreMental Illness In Hamlet Essay992 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout history, mental illness has always been prevalent. As far as time goes, there have been murders and crimes that could not of been committed by a healthy mind. In the play of Hamlet, the story is based around crimes, lies, and deceiving others. Claudius has murdered King Hamlet, causing a chain reaction of other crimes. After realizing the real fate of his father, Hamlet set out to seek revenge for his father. He wanted to murder Claudius for killing his father, but mistoo k Polonius forRead MoreEssay On Mental Illness In Hamlet1050 Words   |  5 PagesA mental illness is described as the alteration in ones behaviour or actions according to their mental stability. For many people around the world, this so called illness, has taken over a part of their lives. It can be argued that Hamlet was accustomed to such illness throughout the play. While portraying confused mindset and thoughts, becoming increasingly more violent and developing suicidal thoughts, the strongest symptoms of his illness become evident. As a result of Hamlet’s constant desireRead MoreEssay On Hamlet Mental Illness827 Words   |  4 PagesHamlet had a lot of things in his life gone wrong. For an example his father (the king at the time) was murdered by his own brother the new king. At the end of the book his mother and ophelia end up dead to. Hamlet was obsessed with his father being murdered and tried to seek revenge upon his murderer. At the end of the book hamlet ended u p killing polonius because he thought it was Claudius (the new king). He was putting other people in harms way too make claudius too confess. Hamlet has Post TraumaticRead MoreHamlet And Hamlet By William Shakespeare2065 Words   |  9 Pages Every play has its own psychology and every author is a psychologist. Like many other plays, Hamlet is a very complex one. It includes various families and portrays their problems to one another. Some of these families with problems are: Hamlet and Claudius, Ophelia and Hamlet and Laertes and Hamlet. I am mentioning Hamlet in all of them, because Hamlet is the source of all the troubles that those families encounter. The problems the characters encounter can be real and the solutions are not practicalRead MoreDeath of a Salesman vs Hamlet: Tragic Heroes The Essence of Fragile Dreams1151 Words   |  5 PagesEach human mind invents a hero as someone they could not measure up to, no matter how much they hope and dream. In the plays â€Å"Hamle t† by William Shakespeare, and â€Å"Death of a Salesman† by Arthur Miller, the main characters, Hamlet and Willy Loman, possess several heroic qualities, but unfortunately their fates rest with tragedy. In William Shakespeare’s famous play, Hamlet, additionally known as the main character, begins with a noble mission to seek revenge on his father’s murderer. A troubled,Read MoreWilliam Shakespeare s A Master Of Tragedy2257 Words   |  10 PagesShakespeare was a master of tragedy. In Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Shakespeare spins a tale of murder, madness, and lies. The character of Prince Hamlet is burdened by the assassination of his father and must avenge the King’s death while protecting his own life. Many have contemplated whether or not Hamlet’s sanity was flawed. Hamlet told the audience that he was not insane, but it is clear that his mourning and melancholia were taking over his world. Hamlet, in a stagnant state of mourning, strugglesRead MoreMadness in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and Hamlet Essay example2151 Words   |  9 PagesThe issue of madness has been touched by many writers. In this paper I will focus on two important writings which deal directly with the mental illnesses. The first one is One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey first published in 1962. The second is Hamlet written by Shakespeare approximately in 1602. Ken Kesey worked nights in a mental institution in California and his novel has a lot of truth in it. He faced patients insanity every day and was confident that it was natural responseRead MoreMacbeth Essay819 Words   |  4 PagesMacbeth Essay In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, Macbeth undergoes many psychological tribulations. There is no doubt that he is insane, but the specifics of his conditions help explain the peculiarities of the play. Macbeth’s character was perhaps the culmination of all the psychological disorders known at Shakespeare’s day. He experienced disorders such as split personality, schizophrenia, and post traumatic stress. These disorders could be caused by stress on the battlefield and a poor spousalRead More Hamlet - Shakespeares Ophelia as Modern Icon Essay3388 Words   |  14 PagesHamlet - Shakespeares Ophelia as Modern Icon Shakespeares Ophelia is not lacking in attention. As one of Shakespeares most popular female characters she has enjoyed many appellations from the bard. Fair Ophelia. Most beautified Ophelia. Pretty Ophelia. Sweet Ophelia. Dear Ophelia. Beautiful Ophelia†¦sweet maid†¦poor wretch. Poor Ophelia. (Vest 1) All of these names for Ophelia can be found in Shakespeares The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Since Shakespeares incarnation

Friday, December 13, 2019

Keynesian Economics Free Essays

Introduction   John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who studied the economy as whole as opposed to different parts of an economic system. He challenged the classical economic assumptions and its basic economic concepts and its explanations. Keynesian Revolution Keynes explained how the participants like Investors consumers behave and how the market system cannot always produce full-employment and how it cannot move to full employment at least in the short term without government intervention in the market system to keep the investment level and consumption level to produce closer to full employment. We will write a custom essay sample on Keynesian Economics or any similar topic only for you Order Now The classical market model and the price mechanism also was unable to explain the great depression 1930’s and Keynesian theory or the new Keynesian theory gave plausible explanation of recessions and boom and bust cycles of market economic systems and also gave prescriptions to stabilize these fluctuations by fiscal and monetary policy. In this sense as well as its considerable departure from the classical idea the market will self correct and government intervention must be minimum Keynesian economic thought emphasized the opposite that government has a legitimate role to pay in the market system to address the weaknesses in the market systems adjusting mechanisms of price signals at least in the Keynesian Revolution  short to medium terms to keep economic activity closer to full employment and redistribute income and wealth to the workers to increase aggregate demand. As  Discussed above It can be said Keynes economic model and ideas and explanation how the system works is definitely a revolution to the classical economic model which adds to the knowledge and refined the understanding of how an economic system works as a whole and how the parts are related. The economic forces which brought about Keynesian Economics The main economic force behind the Keynesian economics was the observation that the economy for several reasons due to economic shocks or lack of consumption if it produces unemployment temporarily the market system left to correct such imbalances did not produce employment levels closer to full-employment and the economy went through boom and bust cycles when the economy grows and there was considerable fluctuation in economic activity at least in British economic history. In order to understand such economic phenomena Keynes developed his Keynesian Economic model and created his Economic theory called The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money.   In addition the Great depression in 1930’s gave great concerns about how to correct such low levels of employment and misery and how to avoid it by appropriate economic policy. Revolutionary Nature of Keynesian Economics   Keynesian Economics is not studying a part of economy but to study the economy as whole and see how the parts are related. It gave a radically new model of the economy, changed the behavior of consumers assumption that they are rational to impulses and animal instincts as well it modified the functions of money that it can be a store of wealth as well as a medium of exchange It also theorized that investment level does not only depend on interest rate but on the expectations and outlook of investors future and gave a plausible explanation why price will not adjust so that to produce full employment because of Institutional factors and other factors prices will not fall to increase demand but produce more unemployment . In effect Keynesian theory gave why economy can come in to equilibrium less than the full employment level and can move through boom and bust cycles if allowed to work in the mercy of the market alone and the price mechanism. That is Keynesian economics gave governments a legitimate economic role to manage the economy close to full employment by Keynesian economic policy. In this regard as the earlier economic theories do not explain the above economic problems and Keynes gave some more insights which is radically different from the earlier economic models it is a revolution in Economics. The classical and Keynesian Economic theory of employment. The classical economic theory assumes the economic participants are rational. Keynes rejects this assumption and believes the participants need not be fully rational and they can act on instincts and subjective judgments and intuition. In classical economics they don’t take in to account institutional factors but in Keynesian economics they take in to account institutional factors. Classical economists keep other things equal and study a specific economic relationship. But Keynes economics they study the economy as whole and study all economic variables simultaneously. Classical economists believe price will self correct so that the economy will not be in unemployment for long period of time. Keynes rejects this and theorize that price stickiness in the market prevent the system to adjust to full employment level. In classical economics money is a medium of exchange but in Keynesian economics it is also a store of value. There fore in bad economic times Consumers will not spend but save for liquidity preferences and this may reduce aggregate demand and further increase unemployment. The relation ship between interest rate and Investment level for classical economist is strong. That is interest rate will affect investment level than other factors. That is investment level is sensitive to interest rate than other factors but for Keynesians other factors are important than interest rate. In classical economics they see a very limited role for government in economic affairs. But In Keynesian economics they see a legitimate and far greater degree of intervention The classical and Keynesian Economic theory of employment  to regulate economic activity to create full employment. As well Keynesian economics like to redistribute income and wealth to increase aggregate demand but classical economists do not believe in the redistribution of income will produce more employment. Keynesian explanation of the Great Depression According to Keynesian economics the great Depression is caused by inadequate investment and aggregate demand and the market system did not have the level of consumption and investment demand so that the economy as whole produced high level of unemployment because there is less government investment to take the slack in private investment levels and the inequality of income in the market system which produces less aggregate demand compared to if the income distribution is more equal. Keynesian Economic Policies Keynesian Economic policies are fiscal and monetary policy. Fiscal policy is the use of taxes and government welfare and other infrastructure and investment programs particularly in a recession and finances it through borrowings as well as deficit financing. In addition Keynesian economic policies are directed to trade policies to boost aggregate demand. In addition to that it uses interest rate to keep money supply under control to manage inflation and also to improve investment levels. However fiscal policy plays a major role in stabilizing aggregate demand rather than the use of monetary policy. In addition it also addresses the institutional factors, which makes the market to work more effectively so that government can regulate and minimize anti competitive practices. Bibliography Alan S. Blinder. â€Å"Keynesian Economics†. THE CONCISE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ECONOMICS. THE LIBRARY OF ECONOMICS and LIBERTY. 28 nNov.2006 ( Steve, Kangas. â€Å"A Critique of the Chicago School of Economics: A BRIEF REVIEW OF KEYNESIAN THEORY†. The Long FAQ on Liberalism. Liberalism Resurgent. 28 Nov.2006 ( The Canadian Encyclopedia. â€Å" Keynesian Economics†. The Canadian Encyclopedia. 28 Nov. 2006 ( wikipedia. â€Å"Causes of Great Depression†. 28 Nov. 2006 ( WIKIPEDIA, The Free Encyclopedia. â€Å"Keynesian Revolution†. WIKIPEDIA, The Free Encyclopedia. 28 Nov 2006 ( How to cite Keynesian Economics, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Fair Value Accounting For Financial Instruments

Question: Discuss about a Report on Fair Value Accounting For Financial Instruments? Answer: Introduction Barrow (2011) opines that for every business organization, financial statement analysis is of great essence. An effective analysis of the financial statements helps a business organization to evaluate their respective future business strategies in accordance to their financial health status. This report will highlight the financial status of the organization Universal Health Services and based their financial status, several recommendations will be given. The organization is one of the largest health and social business firms in United States and is listed as New York Stock Exchange (, 2015) Review of the financial statements The major financial statements of the organization are income statement, balance sheet and cash flows. The total amount of cash flows has a direct impact on the working capital management of the organization. From the income statement, the total amount of expenses and receipts are derived. The profit derived from the income statements is added to the balance sheet of a respective firm. In case of Universal Health Services, the total amount of cash flows is positive that is $1036 which is also higher than the previous years. The financial statements of the organization reflect that the net revenue of the organization is $8065 million in the financial year 2014 which is higher than the previous years. The profit margin of the organization is also on the higher side with $545 million in the financial year of 2014 which is higher than the previous financial years. The earnings per share of the organization have also increased considerably with 5.21 per share. In terms of financial ratios, the current ratio of Universal Health Services is 1.11, while the debt equity ratio of the organization is 0.86. The organization has performed well in comparison with the last financial year of 2013, where its current ratio was 1.07 and debt equity ratio was 0.99. In terms of efficiency ratios of the organization, the inventory turnover ratio of the organization is on the lower side, with 8.53 which is may lower than in the year of 2013 (44.08). This reflects that the organization is inefficient in the management of inven tory. Though, the total amount of sales and net profit has increased, but, the return on equity ratio of the organization has declined from 17.13 to 15.61 from 2013 to 2014. However, the working capital is on the higher side, though the management of inventory is lower. Therefore, the current status of the financial statements will have a major impact on the various stakeholders group of the organization that is the employees, investors and shareholders (, 2015). Employees- The employees will be happy as the profitability of the organization Universal Health Services has increased and the organization is successfully expanding its branches with proper sources of income. In addition to this, the financial reports of the organization also reflect that the salaries and wages of the employees have increased in the financial year 2014 in comparison with the last financial year. This is a very good sign for the employees. On the contrary, the long term debt of the organization has increased and goodwill has declined. This can play a negative impact on the mindset of the employees. Investors- The return on equity of the firm has declined in comparison with the financial year of 2013. This will have a negative impact as return on equity reflects upon the percentage of return on the capital invested by the investors of the firm. The debt-equity ratio of the firm is on the lower side, which may have a positive effect upon the investors (Eun Resnick, 2012). Shareholders- The share prices of Universal Health Services are increasing at an increasing rate. Presently, the share price is 142.83 which were around 81.33 in the year 2014. This further suggests that the shareholders of the organization will be happy with the performance of the organization in the share markets. However, the return on shareholders equity is lower and the long term debt has also increased. Therefore the share prices may fall in the future based on their fundamentals (Madura, 2012). Current industry trends effecting the financial performance The current industry trends among the hospital industry reflect about the fraudulent claims from the patients. This has direct impact on the value of inventory and amount of goodwill of the organization. Another impact is regarding with the code and conduct of the hospital industry. This may have a negative impact on the customers due to several false and fraudulent claims. Therefore, it is recommended that the organization Universal Health Services needs to minimize the amount of false claims on the customers and improve their status of goodwill on the eyes of the stakeholders. This will further have a positive impact over the performance of Universal Health Services (Schnbohm, 2013). Recommended strategy to improve financial performance The organization Universal Health Services needs to improve the price of their inventories in order to improve their inventory turnover ratio. The organization also requires nullifying safety stock within their inventory system. This will also increase the sales of the firm and will further improve the return on equity and return on capital employed. The management of Universal Health Services needs to implement better forecasting techniques to minimize the variances of the financial performance. In addition to this, the organization needs to fulfil the requirements of all their stakeholders to improve their long term financial performance. Apart from this, the organization may also improve their short term working capital cycle to meet short term requirements. The organization may also cut down their operating expenses in order to improve its profit margin (Barrow, 2011). The organization can implement the given strategies by proper division of short term and long term requirements. In addition to this, the organization may implement the FIFO method in order to clear off their inventory by a large percentage. In addition to this, the organization may give more amounts of returns to the shareholders by declaring a higher rate of dividend. This will also fulfil the requirements of the stakeholders by a large extent (Blankespoor, et al. 2013). Conclusion It is concluded that financial analysis plays an effective role to design the strategic objectives of any organization. The information resources that were used annual reports, company websites and financial sites. Several strategies have been recommended for the organization Universal Health Services in terms of its financial performance in the last financial year. References Blankespoor, E., Linsmeier, T. J., Petroni, K. R., Shakespeare, C. (2013). Fair Value Accounting For Financial Instruments: Does it improve the association between bank leverage and credit risk?.The Accounting Review,88(4), 1143-1177. Barrow, C. (2011). Practical financial management. London: Kogan Page. Bekaert, G., Hodrick, R. (2012). International financial management. Boston: Pearson. Eun, C., Resnick, B. (2012). International financial management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Madura, J. (2012). International financial management. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning. Ramsden, P. (2011). Financial Management. London: Hodder Education.,. (2015). Growth, Profitability, and Financial Ratios for Universal Health Services Inc Class B (UHS) from Retrieved 7 July 2015, from Lasher, W. R. (2013).Practical financial management. Cengage Learning. Schnbohm, A. (2013).Performance measurement and management with financial ratios: the BASF SE case(No. 72). Working Papers of the Institute of Management Berlin at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin).,. (2015). Annual Report Archive - Universal Health Services. Retrieved 7 July 2015, from

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Child Labor Amendment Essay Example

Child Labor Amendment Paper Constitutional Principles : Section One Failed Amendments Assignment: We know that 27 amendments have been added to the Constitution over the years. Far more amendments have been proposed, and have failed to make It through the process of being added to the Constitution. Do some research online or at your library to discover some failed amendments. Choose one of the amendments that failed and write a brief essay Including the following Information: Describe the proposed amendment and what It would do. When was the amendment proposed? Why was the amendment proposed? Why did some Individuals believe there was a deed for such an amendment at that time? Why did the amendment fall? Could this amendment pass today? Given the changing times, do you think this amendment would have a chance at passing today If It were proposed again? Write a 1 page essay answering the questions above and submit it to your instructor once it is completed. Do not forget to include a list of your sources. Point value: 25 points Grading Rubric: Answer is written in essay format, not just answers to each question -5 points Bibliography of research sources is included 5 points Essay is at least one full page in length 5 points All questions are answered clearly and accurately within the essay 10 points In 1 924, The child labor amendment was proposed which allowed congress to Congress the power to control regulate and prohibit the labor of children under the age of 18. The amendment was proposed because children/employees 14-16 years of age were instinctual meaning that they were violating the rules. We will write a custom essay sample on Child Labor Amendment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Child Labor Amendment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Child Labor Amendment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I would assume the people from back in the day wanted whats best for the children. They were being born in the factories which might effect their health/birth. The child amendment failed because it was nonlinearity by 28 states requiring 0 more to become an amendment. Congressional research shows that only 28 states approved the amendment the last being In 1937. Since the amendment was not approved by 3/4 of the states It Is technically still pending because Congress did not set a time limit. If this amendment was proposed again I think It would probably not be approved by half of the states because so many things that have changed from back then to now meaning there Is no children being born In factories. In my pollen this amendment would be useless because there are already so many young or soon to be parents myself Included. It wasnt approved by 38 states back then when times were hard and hospitals were way different from what they are now why would It be approved now when medicine and technology is so advanced? Child Labor Amendment By carcinoma-o Far more amendments have been proposed, and have failed to make it through the failed and write a brief essay including the following information: Describe the proposed amendment and what it would do. Why was the amendment proposed? Why did some individuals believe there was a need for such an amendment at that time? Why did the amendment fail? Amendment would have a chance at passing today if it were proposed again? Write a Answer is written in essay format, not Just answers to each question 5 points In 1924, The child labor amendment was proposed which allowed congress to approved the amendment the last being in 1937. Since the amendment was not approved by 3/4 of the states it is technically still pending because Congress did not If this amendment was proposed again I think it would probably not be approved now meaning there is no children being born in factories. In my opinion this be parents myself included. It wasnt approved by 38 states back then when times were hard and hospitals were way different from what they are now why would it be

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom Analysis of Ancient China essay

buy custom Analysis of Ancient China essay What forms did human beings interactions with the supramundane realm (including gods, spirits, ancestors, natural forces, and Heaven) take and who were the human agents of this interaction from the Shang dynasty to the Period of Disunion that followed the Han? Do you see any patterns or trends over this period? Do different modes of interaction correlate with changes in the social or political order, and if so how and why? From the Shang dynasty through to the period of disunion which followed the Han, there is a great deal of belief in the supernatural including ancestors, gods, spirits and heaven among others. This is clearly demonstrated from the beliefs and practices of the people. They therefore, used several means to communicate or interact with the supramundane realm. During these periods, there were various forms of interactions including prayers and sacrifices to different powers which were done in almost similar ways in the different periods; by leaders and on sacred places and in all the cases, the leaders were expected to morally upright and with dignity for them to obtain favor with the higher power unlike the common people. The Shang people worshipped a supreme god called Shang Di, who they believed ruled over the lesser gods of the moon, the rain, other natural forces and places, the sun and the wind. These people also worshipped their ancestors by sacrificing animals to them. These sacrifices were made by the kings who also used oracle bones to communicate with the ancestors. This was because they believed they were still connected to their ancestors and that for them not to have any problems, they had to properly worship them. The Zhou people worshipped Tian (heaven) unlike the Shang who worshipped the ancestors and Shang Di (supreme god). They believed that the ruler of their kingdom was the son of heaven and that he was governed by divine right hence losing his throne would show that he had also lost his heavenly favors and his Mandate and hence misfortunes would even befall his family. The Qin people believed in Shen (spirits), Yin (shadows) and their kingdom. They believed that the dead moved to another world that was parallel to the earth hence offered sacrifices in shrines and sacred places so as to get in touch with them. These sacrifices were to make them get blessings from the spirit world and to also to help the dead travel well and remain in their world. Sacrifices were made by a lead sacrificer who usually prepared for the ritual by fasting and meditating so as to distance himself from the worldly things. The Qin also believed in divination where they cracked bones or turtle shells to be able to foretell the future. The Han people believed in spirits, deities and ancestors hence sacrificed animals and food offerings in shrines and other holy places like temples. These offerings were meant to sustain beings in the spiritual world. These sacrifices were made by the emperor; who was also the highest priest by virtue of his position, to the spirits, heaven and the main deities (the five powers). The emperor was expected to have high moral standards. It was also towards the end of this dynasty (Eastern Han) that Buddhism was introduced to China. Some of the early followers and practices of this religion are discussed later in this paper. During the period of disunion: the era of the three kingdoms, Wei, Shu and Wu, Buddhism was the religion that was majorly practiced by the people. Followers and practices of this religion are discussed later in this paper. Below are some examples of the leaders who acted as mediums of interaction between the people and the supramundane realm during the dynasties mentioned above. Zhang Jue, a faith healer, who called himself the Great Worth Leader had his Way of Great Peace made prayers and recited spells on behalf of the people. He accepted many disciples, who would kneel, bow and confess their faults to him. He cured illnesses with holy water and prayers, and when the sick recovered, the common people came to believe in him. (Buckley 83).This great belief is further demonstrated by the great number of followers that he had. We are told that he had several hundred thousand followers scattered through the commanderies and the kingdoms. This shows that he had quite a great influence on the people who equally chose to believe in him. This was during the Yellow Turban Movement. From Zhang Jues yellow movement, he makes the rebels, Yellow Turbans, to kill people as a sacrifice to heaven. This shows belief in a higher power to which human sacrifices were made, probably to help them succeed in their endeavors and protect them. Zhang Xiu (also a faith healer) is another person who was used as a human agent to interact with the supramundane realm, in this case through prayers made in written letters. He made people meditate on their faults to be forgiven. From his Way of Five Pecks of Rice, he had wine offerers, debauchers and demon clerks serve under him. They were in charge of the five thousand characters of the Laozi, helped people in recitation and were in charge of the sick respectively. We are told, prayers were offered by writing the name of the sick person and explaining the crimes he had confessed to. Three copies would be made, one sent to heavenburied in the earth and one immersed in water. (Hansen 84). He calls these letters to the three officials which shows belief in more than one higher power. Zhang Lu, who succeeded Xiu, continued to preach the rice religion and he made those who refused to follow the religion to be offerers of wine. He therefore, was a medium through which communication could be made to the higher power through wine offering. He also punishes those who commit offences more than three times. Another form of human beings interaction with the supramundane realm was through beliefs and practices of Buddhism where one had to take refuge in Buddha, the Dharma (Buddhist teachings) and the Samgha (community of Buddhists). This happened towards the end of the Han Dynasty and period of disunion. Buddhists were to abandon their families and things of the world and live together in a Samgha where they would practice self righteousness. Men who became monks and women who became nuns are examples of Buddhists. They acted as the medium between the common people and their higher being as seen through the prayers they made for their families, relatives and for goodness to other people. Seng Du is an example of a young man who left his normal life for Buddhism. In his letter to his former girlfriend, Tiaohua who also becomes a nun after reading it, he tells her that following the Buddhist path is for the sake of all beings in the three realms (Buckley 100). This shows that joining Buddhi sm was like being there for the sake of those who did not join, praying for them and their lives. We also see that a lot of things happen through Seng Baozhi who also becomes a monk at a very young age. He communicated to people through his prophetic gift and through performing miracles, where he would say things or write poems about things that would happen in the future or he would do supernatural acts like appear in two places at the same time. This made him get many followers, both leaders and ordinary people. He makes prophecies on many occasions, for example, he told the General Sang Yan that he would be beheaded and about his chest rent and this happens after ten days. As emperor Wu says, Though the trace of master Baozhis body is within this woorld, his spirit roves in the mysteries. (Hansen 101). This just suggests that he was highly placed and viewed in the society because of his powers, gifts or communication skills with supernatural powers and acts. Baozhi also helped to direct prayers made by monk Fayun after which the long drought ended. This further demonstrates hi s connection to a higher power on behalf of the people. Buddhists are greatly used as mediums to pray on behalf of others. The Celestial king Vaisravana for example, pays a thousand ransoms to the three jewels so that they can pray for his family and him, his servants and animals. We are told, This money is used for copying sutras. It is accompanied by the prayer that the Celestial King attains Buddha hood; that the disciples family, servants and animals may be blessed with long life, (Buckley 102). This shows the kings belief in the ability of those practicing Buddhism to intercede to the spirits on their behalf. There are other followers of Buddhism who also make prayers for their families, friends and for themselves: nun Daorong prays that she neither gets sick nor suffers anymore and that her parents, present family and close relatives experience joy and that all they seek may come to pass. She also includes those with knowledge in her prayers. This shows that she wished them all well and knowing that through her faith she had the power to intercede on their behalf, she goes ahead to do so. Superintendent Song Shao prays for the spirits of his parents to reach the Pure Land and that his family members may find happiness and blessings in their lives. He also prays for the safety of his state and for the freedom of all suffering creatures, (Buckley 103). This also shows his belief that through his faith; his prayers will be answered for the sake of the people he cares about. Madame Duan also prays for the happiness of her son even after his death and that he suffers no more (Hansen 104). This also shows her belief in her ability to mediate to the spirits on behalf of her dead son because of her faith. From all these forms of interaction with the supramundane realms with all the human agents discussed above, a few things stand out including the fact that the mediums for the interactions were leaders who did the mediations on sacred places irrespective of the identity of the higher power and these human agents were to free themselves from faults and influences of the world before doing the mediation. This is seen all through from Jue, Xiu and Lu who always asked people to confess their faults before they prayed for them to be healed and even the Buddhists who lived faultless lives away from the rest of the world. Another interesting thing is the fact that all through there was a belief in the supernatural or higher power even though not exactly mentioned. This is seen through the numerous sacrifices made. The different forms of interactions discussed above including prayer, sacrifices, miracles and offerings among others correlate with changes in the social or political order in the society. This is evident from the way leaders who acted as mediums were expected to be free from faults when they did the mediation; some fasted before the ceremony to ensure this while on the other hand commoners who were being prayed for were not to be as much cleansed and prepared as the leaders. This was to help the leaders to gain favor before the higher powers. In conclusion, in Ancient China there was a belief in the supramundane and the people used several forms to communicate and interact with them to have their needs met. This was done through special beings in the society, leaders or those with similar gifts, who were expected to be well behaved and good. Buy custom Analysis of Ancient China essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Australia government and trade unions policies of teaching skills Essay - 1

The Australia government and trade unions policies of teaching skills shortage - Essay Example Changes in technology have greatly affected the education sector with most of the trained teachers leaving the profession to join other professions hence causing shortages in the sector. Most graduates who have trained as teachers have joined freelance employments such as online academic writing and research writing that are flexible and less restrictive in terms of qualification and experience and also pay well as compared to teaching. Although the introduction of new technology and changes in the existing ones due to changes in industries in the country have contributed to shortages in teaching skills, changes in attitudes of the students towards teaching have been cited as the main cause of the shortages. Most candidates in Australia regard teaching as a professional that is not favorable in terms of income or social status thus have resorted to venture in other sectors hence causing shortages in teaching sector. Both those who are joining colleges to train as teachers and those who have trained as teachers, shy away from the profession claiming that it pays less as compared to other professions and holds low social status in the society. Therefore, this has escalated the problem in the country and has made the government initiate or put down solutions to curb the shortage. Due to a lot of pressure from stakeholders in the education sector, the Australian government has been forced to increase its level of immigr ation to help deal with the critical shortages in the teaching sector.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The analysis of international competitiveness of China's auto Dissertation

The analysis of international competitiveness of China's auto manufacturing industry - Dissertation Example With the boost in expansion of the industry the international auto industry has become a key sector of the economical growth for each and every country in the world. The auto manufacturing industry has shown a great development and registered a growth rate of thirty percent increase in the last few decades in-between 1995-2005. The world’s auto manufacturing industry has produced and accounted for a sixty six billion cars, trucks, vans and buses during 2005. The auto manufacturing industry has been the single vast engine of the economic growth in the world. With the deepening development of the economic globalization the auto manufacturing industry has obtained rapid and robust development in the recent years and has gradually established itself as the pillar of the nation’s economy. The auto manufacturing industry has contributed immensely towards the nation’s economy by means of production and job creation in the economy. As per the reports, a production of the sixty million vehicles paved the way for an employment of about nine million people directly in the production and the manufacturing of the automobile parts. This accounted for over the five percent of the total manufacturing employment worldwide. It was approximated that each direct auto manufacturing job sustained that least five percent of the circuitous jobs in the society resulting in more than a fifty million jobs in the in the auto manufacturing industry. The actual results also meet the approximated figures in terms of the jobs opportunity provided by the auto manufacturing industry globally. In addition the auto manufacturing industry also provided employment opportunities for the in the manufacturing of the related goods and the service industry. The vehicles produced by the auto manufacturer are essential in the functioning of the global economy and to the welfare of the world’s citizen. The global auto manufacturing industry also accounts for the chief innovator. The industry has developed through a constant research and development process of the technology which in turn facilitated for the cost effectiveness in production. This assures that the technological development in the auto manufacturing industry provides the backbone of a strong economy through the cost effective advantage. Studies showed that the greatest auto manufacturing producing countries had invested in lump sum over their technological research and development wing for a smooth operation in the auto manufacturing sector. The entire world accounted for an investment of â‚ ¬84 billion on the research and development wing in the auto manufacturing sector. Auto manufacturing also accounted for a major contributor of revenue in the government sector all around the world making a contribution of more than â‚ ¬400 billion (OICA is the Voice Speaking on Automotive Issues in World Forums, 2007). Growing environmental concerns amongst the consumers and the hike in the fuel pr ices are inspiring the auto manufacturing manufacturer to expand the portfolio of the small cars and this make a shift in the production of the automobiles for the future industry growth. This accounted for one of the competitive advantage of the automobile industry. For competing in the international auto manufacturing industry a nation needs to diversify into a new manufacturing model that will

Monday, November 18, 2019

Abolition of African American Slavery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Abolition of African American Slavery - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that  the educated and elite blacks deserved equal rights of citizenship since they could contribute to the growth of the country. The blacks also used various political and judicial platforms to advocate and fight for this right of citizenship. Also, the tireless efforts of the blacks and the abolitionists played a key role in structuring and supporting the black freedom.   When the non-violent strategies that were used by the abolitionists failed, those that were enslaved and those that were free considered the use of radical actions.As the report discusses  since 1864, the blacks used the National Black Convention Movement to fight for their right to vote and full representation in the American affairs. One aspect of the history is abolition. In the history of Black Americans, there was the formation of the abolitionist movement. The aim of the group was to allow emancipation of all slaves after racial discrimination and segregation. Advocating fo r immediate emulsification made the difference between moderate antislavery advocates and abolitionists. Abolitions due to race were mainly encouraged by regional favor during second great awakening. This activity prompted many people to advocate for emancipation with the consideration of their religion. The idea on abolishment became prominent in other churches and political beginnings in the start of 1830s. This mainly contributed to the division of the region to the north and south and fueled the occurrence of the cold war.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Impact Of Debt On College Students Economics Essay

The Impact Of Debt On College Students Economics Essay Credit cards and debt, in general, is something that affects everyone on an almost daily basis. It is used in almost any context and has a variety of very important uses that affects life for everyone. One uses credit to buy big-ticket items such as cars or houses but the primary reason one uses credit would be that of convenience. Convenience and the ability to have a short-term load for better cash-flow are normally the reasons why people obtain credit cards. These benefits, when used correctly, can be extremely helpful for most users. However, the key focus in that statement is correct use. The problem with credit occurs when in the hands of the uneducated or inexperienced user. Most frequently, these users are college students. College students run into issues with credit typically in two areas. The primary issue they face is with credit cards, but the other, sometimes unexpected issue is with college tuition and student loans. Because of the many negatives of these issues, Credi t cards and debt, in general, are a significant problem that is currently affecting college students. Credit Cards are a negative influence on students and are a problem for a variety of reasons. One of the most basic problems, and one of the problems that leads into the others, is the issue of the often high unsecured credit lines. Credit card companies, while they usually start out limits at a low level, often increase the limits of teen credit cards rather quickly. According to Silver-Greenberg (2007), Credit card companies have modified their practices for college students, because theyre vulnerable and their parents will usually bail them out (p. 2). The reality is that these credit lines have absolutely nothing to do with a college students ability to pay back the loan and are in no way relational to income. By granting credit lines to college students that are so inflated, it seems like the credit card companies are almost asking for the lines to be abused by the students. The fact is, is that this can be seen very simply just by studying the student population at large. Resea rch by Joo, Grable, and Bagwell (2005) showed that the average balance carried by a college student was around 890 dollars (p. na). A figure this high as an average for college students is way too high. Considering that there are a sizeable amount of college students that are unemployed, it seems rather ridiculous that students would be allowed to charge this amount with no conceivable way of paying back on a routine basis. What makes this whole problem of high balances even worse is the fact that the credit card companies insist upon outrageously high interest rate for college-aged new users. They do this because companies know that college students are more of a risk than regular users. They also do this because they figure that most students will carry a balance and thus, with a higher rate, they have the opportunity to make more money off college students. In addition to just having higher rates for students in general, credit card companies also engage in a practice referred to as universal default. According to Silver-Greenberg (2007), Under universal default, a student who has two credit cards and faithfully makes timely payments on one, but misses a payment on the other, can find that the interest rate hes being charged has been raised to 30% on both cards.(p. 2) Basically, the idea is that if a user is late on one card or account, the user has been late on all of his cards that engage in this practice. This practice exacerbates all of the problems that already exist with credit cards by making it even harder to be good with ones finances. It makes it especially hard for college students, who are new to credit cards in general, because it establishes a very low tolerance for mistakes. In addition, those who least can afford these practices are the ones who have to worry about it. While this practice might be acceptable for adults with an established income and credit history, it hardly makes sense for those just starting out. These high interest rates can be a big problem because two-thirds of all college students have at least one credit card and 15 percent of students have 2 cards or more. (Lee, 2002, p. 10) No doubt those numbers are on the rise as well. Student loans affect the world of credit cards as well. The average graduate from the class of 2007 owes $20,000 in college loans andà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦for 50% of those surveyed their student loan and credit card debt was higher than their current annual salaries (National Poll, 2007, p. n/a) What this proves is that credit is a major burden for those in and out of college. It does not help that credit cards are being used to pay tuition either. Norvilitis (2002) estimates that 20 percent of students have charged tuition and expects that number to rise (p. na). If one does not qualify for a student loan and does not have cash, then a credit card might be the only way they can pay for college. With that in mind, it makes it easier to understand some credit card debt. However, in ad dition to the problems with the usage of credit cards, there are also some problems with the marketing of credit cards in my opinion. Specifically, I believe that the marketing of credit cards on college campuses goes over the line. I believe that getting a credit card should be a personal decision, not just a decision made because you see a booth signing people up at a student center. Giving away free shirts or mugs or food to get someone to sign up for a credit card is just wrong. Finally, Norvilitis (2002) suggested that students who receive cards from tables in a student union have larger debt to income ratios than students whose cards are from another source. (p. n/a) I believe this furthers the reasoning that credit cards should not be advertised on campus. I also believe that credit cards obtained from an on-campus advertiser are not taken as seriously as credit cards obtained in a normal manner. Credit cards have lot of negatives to them and they can cause a great deal of long-term harm. The reason credit cards during the teenage years have such an ability to cause long-term ham is because of the fact that the majority of students and/or teenagers have a relatively short credit history. Realistically, most college students understand that missing payments will probably not be the greatest for their credit, but they have no idea how seriously it affects them. Lee (2002) reports that over 75% of students have never seen their credit report before and that most students are unlikely to ever see their report during their college years (p. NA). This fact makes the effects of credit cards that much more dramatic. When college students are learning how to use their cards and when they make bad decisions regarding payments and carrying large balances, they really have no idea to what extent they are affecting their credit. Considering the fact that most will never see their report u ntil after college, it comes as no surprise that some college students can and will come out of school and not be able to qualify for a simple car loan. What college students do not realize is that simple mistakes in college with credit can significantly impact their future in more ways than one. Martin (2007) states that many employers check credit reports and turn down applicants who have poor credit ratings (p. na). Odds are that most students applying for jobs do not even consider their credit when wondering if they will get the job or not. Another factor that affects a students credit rating is their student loans. While it is not likely that they will miss payments on those loans, the fact is, the large outstanding balances that most carry on these loans counts against them when applying for credit to purchase a home or car. For many, this is a legitimate concern as, according to a National Poll (2007), that among respondents over age 35, 62% are still paying off student loans (p. NA). What this indicates is that credit, whether credit cards or student loans, has a significant effect on ones future. There are a variety of causes for why the use of credit with college students get out of hand and hard to manage. It is particularly hard to make a generalization as to why the majority of college students cannot manage their credit. However, there are many reasons that, in combination with each other, play a role in this problem. One main issue that causes a lot of problems is a lack of education. The majority of college students open credit card accounts without paying a whole lot of attention to what they are getting themselves into. According to Norvilitis (2002), 71% of students had no idea what interest rate they were paying on their particular credit cards. This proves the fact that college students have learned how to use their credit cards but do not understand how their credit cards really work. Most believe that there really is not a whole lot one needs to know about credit cards and the credit card companies must agree because they do not make it easy for any user to real ly learn. In fact, Norvilitis (2002) says that 59% of teens say that explanatory information from credit cards is not helpful or unreadable (p. NA). As a result, the majority of users do not learn about credit. Some do, however, but it is a small number. Personal finance classes are usually offered in high schools to teach just this sort of thing, but unfortunately there is a lack of interest. To illustrate this point, Norvilitis (2002) states that 62% of students had the opportunity to take a personal finances class, only a third actually take it. This should really come as no surprise as the majority of people assume finances should be common sense. This reasoning is what causes problems for the majority of credit card users. The other factor that comes into play regarding credit is family behavior. Generally, as with other behaviors, teens learn from their parents and look to them for guidance. This situation is no different as teens try to emulate their parents in this regard. A ccording to Palmer (2007), 84 percent of teens opened an account at their parents banks (p. na). Parents need to realize that everything that they do financially, whether or not they believe it will be noticed, affects how their teens will use credit. Joo et  al. (2005) found that students whose parents used credit cards often were a lot more likely to show positive attitudes toward credit card use; whereas, students whose parents had problems with credit card use were more likely to have negative attitudes toward using credit cards (p. na).While some parents use credit cards responsibly, some do not. Those that do not are the ones to worry about. If left uneducated, students of these parents will most likely experience issues due to their haphazard use of credit cards. Credit cards will always be misused. There are so many users it would be irresponsible to think otherwise. Furthermore, it can be counted on because there will always be ignorant people who do not pay attention to rules or consequences. However, work can be done to prevent as much misuse as possible. As it stands now, credit cards, and debt in general, are ruining some college students futures. With the lack of regulation when it comes to credit cards for students, it is no surprise. According to Palmer (2007), a survey of graduate students showed that over 50 percent would have liked to have learned more about managing their finances in college. However, without an incentive from somewhere or someone, it is likely that the availability of education in this matter will continue to be hard to come by. Likewise, credit card companies will have to have an incentive to change their practices as well. Hopefully, that day will soon come.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Holocaust Essay example -- History, Jewish Community

Through the course of history, the Jewish people have been mistreated, condemned, robbed, even put to death because of their religion. In the Middle Ages, they were forced to wear symbols on their clothing, identifying them as Jews. The dates 1933 to 1945 marked the period of the deadly Holocaust in which many atrocities were committed against the Jewish people and minority groups not of Aryan descent. Six million innocent Jews were exterminated because of Hitler’s â€Å"Final Solution.† This paper will exhibit how Adolf Hitler used the three anti-Jewish policies written in history, conversion, expulsion, and annihilation to his advantage. In the fourth century when the Christian church gained power in Rome, the Jews considered the Christians as a Jewish sect early on. Soon their beloved Talmud was being burned because they would not accept the Christian doctrine. By the sixteenth century, the Jews were given an ultimatum, to convert to the Christian faith, which was part of the first anti-Jewish policy or face expulsion. The second anti-Jewish policy was expulsion. This policy was still used when the National Socialist rose to power in 1933 (Bartov,O., 2000). After Germany surrendered in 1918, Adolf Hitler was in the hospital recovering from mustard gas poisoning. He felt the deep humiliation of and for the German Reich, and it was then the hatred and bitterness towards the people he felt were responsible began. In 1919, Hitler wrote his first and last political statement regarding the â€Å"Jewish Question.† He proclaimed the Jews were a Jews altogether (Wistrish, R., 2003). Hitler had three long- term idealistic goals he would share with audiences as he spoke about Nationalism and the econo... ...s and sent an order for the traitors to be imprisoned. Before the Allied troops arrived, Nazi soldiers removed many Jews from the death camps in an effort to kill as many more refugees as they could (Rubenstein, W., 1999). Through the course of history, the Jewish people have been mistreated, condemned, robbed, even put to death because of their religion. In the Middle Ages, they were forced to wear symbols on their clothing, identifying them as Jews. The dates 1933 to 1945 marked the period of the deadly Holocaust in which many atrocities were committed against the Jewish people and minority groups not of Aryan descent. Six million innocent Jews were exterminated because of Hitler’s â€Å"Final Solution.† This paper exhibited how Adolf Hitler used the three anti-Jewish policies written in history, conversion, expulsion, and annihilation to his advantage.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Life Must Go On

Life is so challenging! As quoted from the sayings of one of my favorite Poet Emily Dickinson, â€Å"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich and a tragedy for the poor†. It Is so funny to think that in life we seem to encounter the so called cycle. From our day to days venture, we experience things different. We experience new practices, occurrences and new learning that somehow lead us on how we begin the new tomorrow.My dear friends and colleagues at this moment of time, I want you to listen to me for a short while. I want you to listen In my speech on how I strives and gradually step forward towards my desired dream in life. I am already near to where I wanted to be! This is the message that I am very proud to utter in myself. But I know all of these things are still in the hands of the Lord. Who could It think that this person standing to all of you this evening, which become a small boy from yesterday and couldn't speak properly, could now speak to you today like this?And who could it think that this person who become so pessimistic from his yesterdays dream would become persevere and a determiner person today? Nothing, except God! In life we can never Identify the future or the outcome process off person. Indeed! If there are still tomorrow that awaits us always, there will always be chances for us to push through what we've started! Way back when I was still in my childhood days, I could not immediately remove the tragedy in our life which happens in the midst of a happy family.It was the time when my father had passed away. In behalf of my family, we could hardly realize and accept the fact that the life of our beloved father is over. Those things really changed the existence we had and accept the reality that we need to start for a new beginning. Despite of those things which were hard for us to accept what really happened, we still believed that life must go on. We survived from those sorrowful mysteries by beli eving In our self that there is still tomorrow that awaits us in a certain time and that there is always God in our side.That's how life plays around on us; we can never say when we should embark from this place and when we should face challenges. What really needs for us to be ready of Is the fact that any time from now we will depart from this world. Ladies and gentlemen, this is how I surpassed the most remarkable tragic experience in my life. I was not able to be defeated by my fear in my heart that though we do not have now the foundation in our family we were able to step forward in our dreams and goals. My mother who exerts all of her efforts and sacrifices Is our main Inspiration why soul fishing the hindrances and challenges we encounter.Now, It as already 9 years had passed after the incidents happened and it seems that the pain is still in our hearts. My brother will be getting already his diploma on the month of March. And with pride In our heart, we are so thankful that we were able to prove that all things are possible If we believe. And hopefully by the next school year, I will be also getting the victor that I am waiting for almost 15 years. Be humble enough! And believe in yourself that you can do better. As long as we move, groove, always that there will be a certain time for everything. Good Evening!

Friday, November 8, 2019

“Statement of Purpose and Goals” Essays

â€Å"Statement of Purpose and Goals† Essays â€Å"Statement of Purpose and Goals† Essay â€Å"Statement of Purpose and Goals† Essay My name is Mike (last name), and I desire a major in Business Management and Economics. I am also interested in Information Systems and how the knowledge from these fields can be applied to financial and community matters. All people are affected by their business and economic environment, and I will be better equipped to help people in need when I understand this more fully. Learning more about Economics will be an asset for me, because it will make me aware of resources and jobs that are lacking in my area. Business Management will give me the knowledge necessary to create jobs for the needy and find or sponsor the resources they need to function in their daily lives. I enjoy helping people and am also quite comfortable in management and leadership positions, and completing my education in Economics and Business Management will give me more opportunities to use these skills to benefit myself and others. As a result, my academic goals include obtaining a Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate degree in Economics. Professionally, I plan to work with computers and other information systems. I am already a PC operator and have created websites for several companies and as fund-raisers for flood victims in my country and region. I plan to continue this work and expand my business and volunteer work as I gain more knowledge in my areas of interest. This university will give me the knowledge and experience I need to make a lasting personal and professional contribution to society. After completing your under-graduate Economics courses, I will be able to obtain an entry-level position in the field. By continuing to earn a Masters and then a Doctorate degree, I will be able to either advance my career with an employer or work as an independent consultant. I believe the courses offered here will teach me the skills and knowledge I need to work in the Economics field. Because I have management experience, I also wish to complete your Business Management courses. Expanding my knowledge and practical experience in this field will give me more employment choices and even enable me to start my own organization. Combining Economics and Business Management will open the doors to numerous opportunities that would not otherwise be available to me. I welcome any and all opportunities, and embracing these courses of study will only bring them closer by better qualifying me for jobs in these fields. My extra-curricular activities have prepared me for these fields, as well as university and team work. These activities included editing my high school magazine, building websites and operating PCs, advertising and fund-raising, marketing, volunteering, and participating on a basketball team. While editing my high school magazine, I learned how to get along well with people, the importance of completing work on time, and the administrative aspects of publishing a magazine. In addition, I really enjoy computers and have built websites for several companies, as well as a donation site for my regions flood victims in 2005 and 2006. This also involved fund-raising, advertising,   and marketing in order to increase the amount of money earned for flood victims. Furthermore, I work as a PC operator, which has taught me to follow rules, solve problems, and work with others. These are all qualities needed to succeed at a university. In addition, I enjoy working with others and helping them reach their full potential. Therefore, I volunteered for an organization to teach blind people that they have not done anything wrong to deserve blindness, but that they are all loved and important. Finally, on my high school basketball team, I learned the importance of being on a team reaching a goal. We won the local championship two years in a row. Not only have I participated in competitions, but I have also coordinated and won one. This involved a parade, in which students from different high schools created unique uniforms to wear. The high school with the most original uniforms was the winner. With a team of students, I brainstormed numerous ideas, and our high school was the winner. We were then presented an award by our town hall. Coordinating the parade and uniforms was a valuable experience for me, because it gave me a glimpse of what it might be like to work in a management position later in life. University students come from all backgrounds and many different cultures. I feel I am well-adjusted and able to work with others to achieve goals. I have worked with the blind, the poor and destitute, supervisors, faculty, and even the mayor of my town to accomplish goals. My town is in the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest cake, and the mayor, other volunteers, and I created enough publicity to capture the publics interest. I know that university organizations need funding for their projects and activities, and I want to contribute my informatics and other skills to raise money for their causes. In conclusion, this university will equip me with the knowledge I need to advance in Economics and Business Management. I enjoy learning and working with others. Thus, I look forward to joining your community of students and faculty and growing, learning,  and contributing to the university community.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The long walk home - analysis of Christmas scene essays

The long walk home - analysis of Christmas scene essays In this snippet of the film The Long Walk Home the director uses music to create atmosphere and to make a clear connection between the different scenes. Since the same piece of music is used throughout these scenes, the viewer is led to connect the two sleeping figures and to see the contrast in their bedrooms. The music used is wistful and gentle, moving quietly on through the sleeping Mary-Catherine, the outdoor Christmas scenes, Herbert asleep at the Cotters home and Odessa preparing to go to work on Christmas Day. As she moves quietly in the house, the music too is gentle and quiet enough for the viewer to hear tiny sounds of her preparation, such as slight creaking of the floorboards and the crinkling sound of wrapping paper. The music is not a well-known, cheerful celebration of the season, but is reflective and sad. At first the soft music seems to match the sleeping characters and empty, quiet night-time scenes. Towards the end of this section of the film, however, the sad t ones help the viewer reach the conclusion that it is tough on Odessa that she should have to go to work. The first time that Odessa is in the viewers thoughts, however, is when one side of the bed is noticeably empty. The shot is taken in the main bedroom where someone is sleeping on one side of the double bed. The lighting is such that it does not reveal who is asleep, but shows the blanket flat on the empty side and humped, coarse and rough over the sleeping person on the other side. It is obviously late at night or very early in the morning. As the camera pivots slowly around the room, from the head of the bed to the doorway leading to the kitchen, which is revealed as the light source, the viewer feels that he/she is an onlooker, in the room, but invisible to the characters taking part. Framed by the doorway and sitting at the kitchen table we see Odessa, fully dressed with her bag waiting on another chair. She appears to be busy wit ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Solar car races Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Solar car races - Essay Example It is predicted solar energy would improve in the near future because of its competition with electricity and other energy applications. There are various ways of to use solar energy for example, the use of photovoltaic systems to convert light directly into electricity. The solar water heating system converts sunlight to heat water and the solar thermal system that concentrate solar radiation into small space to produce high temperatures (Mangu et al., 2010, p.6). The solar power has numerous advantages over other traditional energy sources because they are cost effective owing to the cheapness of the panels used in trapping sunlight. The state and the local government incentives are making it affordable and pure since it does not pollute the environment by increasing the carbon footprint (Kotler 2011, p.132). The solar energy can be trapped anywhere at any time since the panels take minimal space to install making them suitable for urban and locations. The solar energy is maintenance free than other forms of energy requiring constant maintenance like wind turbines. Solar energy is easily used in remote areas where it is expensive to increase the electricity power grid. It is conveniently used to power most of the electronic devices by inserting a small miniature panel to absorb sunlight transformed to electrical impulses to power the devices. Other sources of energy like oil reserves can be depleted but the solar energy is infinity and can l ast forever. The solar car gets its electricity by converting sunlight into electrical energy through photovoltaic cells. The photovoltaic cells are passed into the battery for storage for future use, or directly transmitted to motor to run the vehicle. The micro-controller chip embedded on the vehicle, which is also responsible for controlling the motion of the car smoothly when the pedal is pressed, performs the process. A solar car functions in various ways, such as capturing sunlight and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Market, industry and company analysis for ( over the Term Paper

Market, industry and company analysis for ( over the last five years - Term Paper Example The company’s competitive theory statement is divided into five parts: vertical integration, strategic alliances, creative content, international agency and corporate diversifications. Conglomeration: Qatar Cinemas Company operates in two different fields, such as Consumer Products and studio entertainment. Horizontal integration: Qatar Cinemas Company owns many studio entertainment and consumer product franchise. This becomes horizontal integrated industry as all stake-holders act together in increasing efficiency since they act in the same business line. Globalization: Qatar Cinemas Company Services and Products are found in Arab Media and all over the world in different forms. Vertical integration:Â   Qatar Cinemas Company is made up of different sub-companies and business line, allowing the whole organization to produce, plan, distribute, and advertise all of its products on its own. Seller and Buyer Concentration: Qatar Cinemas Company is in an Oligopoly Seller Concentra tion, it is evident that there are few producers in the market and products can be either differentiated or homogenous. There are many buyers for the company’s products, ranging from different cultures, ages groups, sexuality, preferences and interests. Media synergy: Qatar Cinemas Company bought many film studios that allow making more advanced movies which are then distributed through renowned marketers. Barriers to Entry: Qatar Cinemas Company offers different barriers to entry for competitors in the market place. Qatar Cinemas Company enjoys privileges from trademarks, copyrights, and patents that prevent other entertainment companies from imitating their ideas and productions. For new companies it is difficult to compete with this established and well-known organization because of its long development period in winning known customers and protection legal barriers. Production Costs: Qatar Cinemas Company has high first copy (production) costs and low reproduction (subseq uent) costs of most of its products. Product Differentiation: Qatar Cinemas Company has a wide variety of heterogeneous products; its shows, and movies for different tastes, ages and cultures. Its products are differentiated within the company and from products from its competitors. B. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Qatar Cinemas Company has developed services and products for different audiences, teens, children and adults of all ages. Median age: 28 (70% between 17 and 34) Men: 90% | Single: 40% Literate: 90 % Employed Full Time: 90% Average HHI: QAR. 7,200. Qatar Cinemas’ Primary Competitors Qatar Cinemas Company competition consists of diversified players that capture media networks, TV content producers, and film producers. Competition is greatest at film production and network service; premium networks like Sonymax have an advantage over film halls because of their subscriptions fees. Presence of competition between services and brands creates an environment of price wars. Market Sh are Controlled by Qatar Cinemas Company Qatar Cinemas’ Total Revenue is approximately QAR 361 million (as for 2012). In order to obtain the market share, revenues from the three major competitors in the entertainment industry are considered. Total Industry Revenue: QAR. 262.9 Millions Qatar Cinemas’ Total Revenue: QAR. 36.1 Million Qatar Cinemas’ Market Share: 13.7% of Total Revenue Industry (inclusive of major competitors share) In the studio entertainment ind

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Overcoming a academic Challenge Scholarship Essay

Overcoming a academic Challenge - Scholarship Essay Example At the end of high school, I was accepted to Miami-Dade College. This is a community college that was affordable and could get me on track towards medical school. I worked hard for good grades, and have now been accepted to the University of Miami. While I was excited to transfer, going to the University of Miami has presented me with my greatest academic challenge. The classes at the University of Miami are completely different than they were at Miami-Dade College. The pace of the learning is very rapid. Information is presented in large chunks during class time. I have found that I sometimes leave class wondering how I will remember everything that was presented. The professors teach differently at the University of Miami as well. They are very professional and require the student to be responsible for her own learning. They are always willing to help explain things I do not understand, but I need to go to them to ask. They are not willing to let students just glide through their classes. This is especially true of the tests that these professors give. There is no way you can guess your way through the material. You must come prepared or you will fail. Overall, my greatest academic challenge is adjusting to the more challeng ing academic standards since my transfer to the University of Miami. Thankfully, my family taught me how to deal with challenges that confront you in life. The first thing I changed in order to overcome this challenge is to reduce the amount of time I spent with friends. I am the type of person that enjoys an active social life. I never study with friends because when I am with them I want to have fun. I found that being successful at the University of Miami required be to spend less time having fun with friends and more time reviewing class notes, lectures and reading in my textbook. This has not been a pleasant adjustment, but it has been a necessary one. My

Monday, October 28, 2019

Animal Farm Assignment Essay Example for Free

Animal Farm Assignment Essay Animal Farm was written to be focused on the story of rebelling animals. However, it both constructs and reinforces many themes. The novel ‘Animal Farm’ is centralised among the story of the animals that live on Manor Farm, where their cruel master Mr. Jones dictates them. Under the inspiration of a pig named Old Major, the animals rebel against Mr. Jones and overthrow him. They decide to construct their own farm, which they plan to be a utopia where ‘all animals are equal’. However, after the death of Old Major corruption arises and many of the animals, who are lacking intelligence, live in a state of oblivion. Although ‘Animal Farm’ is under the disguise of a fable about domestic animals, it is also allegorical of the events of the Russian Revolution. When the animals of Animal Farm took over there main beliefs were based on their made up commandments called Animalism. The beliefs derived from this law were that man is our enemy, all animals are comrades, do not become like man, and no animal should be more powerful then another. These views were from Old Major, who had given a speech to stir the animals into rebellion. Old Majors dream was for the earth to be run by animals. When Old Major died, Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer replaced him. At first things started off pretty well the harvest was very good the first year and the reading and writing system had helped some, but had limited success on others. Napoleon soon shared his view on education, and took the puppies into his home and started teaching them. In time, the leaders of animal farm started to have mixed feelings. Snowball said the animals only had to work three days a week, but Napoleon said it would only result in the animals starving to death. Napoleon then had the dogs chase off Snowball. Napoleon had eliminated Sunday morning meetings. The committee of pigs were now the leaders and there were no more debates. Napoleon soon started brainwashing the lower class of animals to believe him. The traditions of Old Major were soon forgotten, it was now Napoleons plans. Absolute power makes mediocre leaders think that they can do anything they want to anyone with no consequences. â€Å"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others†. This was commandment set in place at the beginning of the rebellion, but the more powerful Napoleon got, the more corrupt he became and changed the commandment. When a person gains too much power, they think they are above everyone else. Napoleon figured that all the others were too scared to say something about the commandment because he was too powerful. When Napoleon gained total power over everyone, he turned into a dictator and a tyrant. In conclusion, history has proven that power is the root of all evil in a communism style government or congregation. In Animal Farm, the animals tried to be equal, but in time, some animals had certain views and different opinions and some gradually became more powerful. No matter how hard in society we try, mankind will never truly reach equality for the reason that Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thurgood Marshall Essay examples -- History Lawyer Marshall Biographie

Thurgood Marshall After the Reconstruction period, African Americans had won freedom and no longer were seen as processions of the whiteman, although, something even more evil existed, segregation. This problem made life for many black people an ever-continuing struggle. Black people were forced to attend separate schools, churches, hotels, and even restaurants. At the time, white males dominated the work force and many African Americans rarely found well paying jobs. The court system judged people of color more harshly than people of white skin, which led to unfair sentences and lynchings. A lynching is when a person is hanged or executed without a trial; they were very common during this time period. African Americans could only take so much of this, they cried out against the unequal ways that white people practiced. Foundations were formed to aid these people and bring justice to the society they were living in. The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) was probably th e most significant of these foundations. This was the same organization that Thurgood Marshall became the leading lawyer of. Thurgood Marshall was born in the year of 1908 in Baltimore, Maryland. He was prepped and raised by his mother, Norma Arica Marshall, and his father, William Canfield Marshall. Thurgood's mother was one of the first African Americans to graduate from Colombia University and his father was the first black person to serve on Baltimore's grand jury in the...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cinderella: The Grimm Brothers v. Disney Essay -- compare, contrast

The commonly used saying, â€Å"they lived happily ever after,† originates from early fairy tales. Fairy tales are stories that feature fanciful characters that convey a moral to teach children lessons and values that they will keep for the rest of their lives. The original story of â€Å"Cinderella† by the Grimm Brothers and the later Disney version Cinderella (1950) are both descriptions of a legendary fairy tale of a kind and gentle girl who overcomes the rancor of her stepmother and stepsisters and ultimately finds a happy ending. Although both stories have the same plot, the overall messages that they deliver are different. In â€Å"Cinderella† by the Grimm Brothers, the moral is that one should never lie or be wicked to others. In the story, Cinderella’s mother passed away and a year later her father gets remarried to an evil woman who has two daughters. The wife and daughters torment Cinderella, making her complete tedious chores. Eventually, Cinderella attends a ball for the Prince and they fall in love. However, she runs away every night and he cannot find her. The Prince finally takes one of her slippers and sets out to find the love of his life. He then goes to her household and asks all the sisters to try the slipper on. The stepsisters try to deceive the Prince but â€Å"the blood was streaming from† their feet and they are eventually caught. When Cinderella tries on the shoe it fits perfectly and the two get married. At the reception, two birds peck out the stepsisters’ eyes, punishing them â€Å"with blindness as long as they lived.† The archetypes in the story are Cinderella who is the damsel in distress, the Prince who saves her and the evil stepsisters and mother who are the villains. A convention is that true love always... ...gently every day and now has found the love of her life. Also, this version of Cinderella is more magical than the original which is more along the lines of today’s fairy tales. The movie Cinderella emphasizes that working hard and being well-behaved will result in an abundance of rewards. Even though the two versions are extremely similar, they contain slightly different morals. When the Grimm Brothers wrote their story, the world was a different place and children did not need to be babied. That is why they chose to write such a cruel ending to their version. In the modern-day Cinderella, there is a profusion of magic and there is no violence, which is a change from the original story. By changing this and the ending, children receive a different message from the story. However, both stories give kids hope that they will live happily ever after.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bosch Total Quality Management Essay

First of all, we are very grateful to the Almighty God – for bearing us the knowledge and wisdom that has been used throughout the project. May the product of our efforts justify the gift that the Almighty God has bestowed upon them. We are sincerely expressed our gratitude to all Bosch Philippines departments’ managers and employees who shared their knowledge about the company and time interviewing them. Last but definitely not the least; we would like to express our appreciation, to the ones who have rendered unconditional support and love to us: our family. Our family from whom we got the motivation and inspiration to never give up and give the best of our efforts. Through this project, may our efforts reach our parents and reflect our indebtedness for our sacrifices. I. Introduction In a span of time, Bosch has emerged into a successful business to what it is today. It has continuously improved the quality of service. Of course, customers’ complaints are inevitable in every organization. Three (3) complaints out of one hundred products sold to customers are caused by some product defects, its expensive price, customers’ attitudes (arte), order delivery and some rare safety concern of its users. To initiate quality programs to better meet customers’ requirements, Bosch should have its own quality control in the Philippines to avoid some product defects and  user’s accidents due of using Bosch’ products. The company should come up with Customer Relationship Management system to build understanding between them and the customer that expensive price of their product is no issue when it comes to product quality and of customer satisfaction. II. Objectives of the Study a. Study the quality initiatives of Bosch to better meet their customers’ needs and requirements b. Compare Bosch’s quality programs with existing literature c. Identify Areas of strengths and areas for development on Bosch’s quality initiatives; and d. Recommend specific programs to improve total quality management at Bosch III. Quality Assurance at Bosch â€Å"Selling the best of the best† and I rather lose money than trust† were the mottos of person behind the success of Bosch, Robert Bosch. Since its establishment, the company continues to create value to customers and practice Robert Bosch’s principle of total quality, â€Å"success was based on the trust of business partners and product quality. Bosch was created on 1932, located in Germany and in 140 countries in the world and the innovator and pioneer of powertools in the world. Their products includes: Automotive Aftermarket, Powertools, Security Systems and Thermotechnology. Customer and Stakeholder Focus Bosch established their Training Center to value their customers, dealers and contractors through educating them about their products and its proper use to avoid accidents when using their products for free. They even collaborate with educational institutions like TESDA, universities and colleges to be more accessible and convenient to interested trainee. Bosch encourage their customers to bring their purchased products at their Service center every three (3) months for maintenance and check-up processed by a qualified technician which are still covered of a six-month warranty for power tools and one-year warranty for measuring tools. To bring their products into the understanding of people who are unfamiliar with their products, Bosch use trade developer in different regions in the country to look for potential customers that will be endorsed to the sales  representative. Sales representative is responsible of demonstrating the products to customers and monitoring their orders. Bosch also uses sales agents or promodizers to introduce the product in various stores in the country. Bosch offers the appropriate spare part customers need for any power tools. Bosch keeps spare parts available for at least 10 years. This means that even older tools are ready for use again in the record time. Participation and Teamwork Every department sets their goal that motivates their employees to perform better. For example, Sales Department set their target sales every month which requires more efforts on the part of the Sales Department and more marketing strategy of Marketing Department, so it needs teamwork from both departments. Managers act as a democratic leader on his subordinates and treat them as a team which implies importance and belongingness to the employees. IT Department serves a support group to the company as they are the one doing trouble shooting on technical problems on all of the computers of the entire company. Employees use Microsoft Outlook to send and receive emails as their network of connection connected by a cable which does not need internet to communicate with each other and disseminate information throughout the company. The company uses a software called System Application and Production (SAP) which makes it accessible to all Department Managers to monitor and study sales and product stocks at their warehouse which is helpful for their effective and efficient decision making and inventory. This system is also useful to accounting departments to record financial data. The company maintains their do-good mentality. Bosch sends their employees abroad to undergo training to enhance their skills and abilities which will in turn produce a better performance and satisfied customers. They just not believe in doing well, but they believe in doing good. For Bosch, doing good means giving back through projects that inspire and move their associates to action. Those projects includes sponsoring potential eighty eight students and employing some of them at their office. To build camaraderie between employees, the company provides them with annual outing. Process Focus Bosch does benchmarking through product-product quality analysis to analyze their products against their competitors to meet the changing wants and satisfaction of their customers. Bosch has a company policy on product recall or pull-out when customers’ complaints on a certain product or model reaches six percent (6%) out of one hundred percent (100%) sold product to ensure that they are delivering quality products to customers. Those defective products are to be sent to their main plant in Germany for further studies. For efficient delivery and availability of products, Bosch orders products beforehand to its manufacturing plant in Germany through shipping and store them at their warehouse. The company positions itself as a number one (#1) power tool products in the country which requires employees to efficiently process customers order and deliver it on time. The customers may opt to call Bosch to process their order on their service hotline or through Service Representatives, order will be passed to Sales Coordinator who writes and documents order slip and process order and encode them through SAP system which is connected to Logistic department who shall deliver products to customers. To support the demanding needs of the company, Purchase department is responsible of purchasing materials needed by the departments such as fliers for Marketing Department and ensure of its quality and cost-effectiveness. Continuous Improvement The company has its own Research Development that is behind of annual launching of new products. Every month, company’s product division set their sales quota and eventually increases every time they meet or exceed it. This requires more efforts and improvement both the product and the process. IV. Analysis Bosch has its own Training Center that educates customers, contractors, hobbyist, and interested trainee for free. To reach more people, Bosch partnered with Tesda, universities and colleges. Having its own training is one indication that Bosch values their existing and prospect customers. It involves money, effort, and sympathy from the company, but those things are nothing when it comes to customer’s enlightenment to  products and customers’ satisfaction and delight. This program is patterned with the customer and stakeholder focus principle of TQM. Educating people who may not bring benefit to the company is somewhat costly and effortful on the part of the company, but this will eventually build relationship, trust and confidence between the company and the beneficiary of the training program which may eventually results of patronizing the products. The company has its own Service Center that addresses customer’s complaints and concerns. This service is patterned with the TQM customers and stakeholder focus and the Quality Installation and Service which implies that Bosch knows and understands the needs and expectations of customer after the sale in order to have customer’ value and loyalty. Offering service after sales is one indication that Bosch wants to have long term relationship with their customers and exceed their expectations. Empowering employees through undergoing training programs boost their sense of belongingness and importance and will make them more motivated and inspired to perform better. This program is aligned with the principle of Participation and Teamwork of TQM. The company has its own System Application and Production (SAP), a software or database uses by the selected employees and managers to monitor stocks, sales, deliver products and accounting data. This system is aligned with Process Focus principle and Information and Knowledge Management of TQM infrastructure. Use of this kind of technology is an investment of the company because it makes process more effectively and efficiently. More so, decision making is easier to the information user because information they needed is always accessible and can be retrieved quickly. V. Bosch’s Quality Profile Areas of Strengths Bosch has known to be the innovator of power tools in the world. Every year, they launch new tools, offering better and new products and it serves as their advantage over their competitors. Its German quality can persuade customers to purchase their product. This year, DOLE announced that construction industry will boost, and it needs equipment to be used by contractor such as power tools, and security system. Bosch has its own SAP system. It is software enables selected employees and divisions’ manager to have an access of information like sales, inventory and delivery. Areas for Development Bosch does not have its own Customer Relationship Management. They just rely on their hotline from which customers could call to order products, ask, suggest and complain. There is no particular department that handles complaints from the customers. Bosch also relies on sales representative or agents report about customer satisfaction. There is no system or process of getting or acquiring customer’s feedback after sale. Numbers of people in departments such as Human Resource, IT and Purchasing are not enough to cater the increasing needs and demands of all stakeholders. VI. Recommended Quality Programs at Bosch Bosch should have its own Customer Relationship Management. This system will make easier to them to monitor and get in touch with their customers at all times. With this system, Bosch could address customer’s complaints, concerns and suggestions and not involving all departments to receive such from customers. With this system, the company can build long term relationship with customers and winning their loyalty over competitors. Acquiring customers’ feedback is an important practice of any company. Filling-up feedback and suggestions is tool to gauge and measure customers’ satisfaction to products supplementary services needed to enhance the product. It is better if Bosch Philippines have their own Quality Control in the country to check products after shipping them from Germany. It is inevitable to products to get damage during shipment. The company may increase their employees in such departments especially the HR department who is handling the employeesâ€⠄¢ welfare and concerns.